OVC Vocational Training
Eco-Agric Uganda have supports OVC aged 15-17 years to attain vocational skills in tailoring embroidery, commercial agriculture production, tree growing and commercial making of energy saving stoves. This is aims at equiping OVC with information, knowledge & life skills to enable them make better choices & informed decisions & generate income. The OVC also are equiped with entrepreneurship skills & distributed start up tool kits to manage the various businesses after the vocational studies.
Vocational training in commercial agriculture and seedling production
Eco-Agric Uganda train OVC in commercial agriculture production to help them create sustainable, self-reliant income that will provide continued support and a never-ending intervention. They are trained in crop growing, animal rearing, income-generating agriculture and gardening. In order to mitigate the risk of drought that might affect the crops, low cost bucket irrigation is emphasized and promoted. After the training, each OVC select three crop/animal enterprises to grow/rear. They also practice high quality drought resistant, highly productive agriculture technologies to grow/rear so that they start getting income from agriculture production. They are trained in commercial energy cooking construction and commercial briquette making so that they can earn income. OVC are trained in setting up commercial tree and vegetable production nurseries so that they can produce the seedlings for commercial purposes.
Empowerment through Income Generating Activities
OVC & their households are provided with support to increase income and improve psycho-social health of the participating adults, & especially those living with HIV/AIDS. Maize, beans, Kroilers and vegetable seeds are procured and distributed for Income Generation. Eco-Agric Uganda also give OVC aged 15 years and above and their care givers trainings in business support interventions to improve knowledge & skills in business management. It will give/enhance the ability of the participants to identify viable business opportunities. OVC care givers are helped to establish Self Help Groups where care givers will take part in saving and credit.
Improving Food Security & Nutrition
Eco-Agric Uganda supports OVC improve the welfare of OVC, boost family incomes & for family sustainability. Demonstration sites where trainings on IGAs plus food security and nutrition are always done for the OVC and their care givers. Kitchen gardens established to enhance adoption of different technologies.
Child Protection
Eco-Agric Uganda l works with the child protection unit at Hoima Police Station to establish and strengthen child protection committees. It will also refer child abuse cases to SAUTI. Eco-Agric Uganda makes full use of the Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Development resource room to improve knowledge & assist with project implementation. The Child Protection Focal Person provides on going support to Eco-Agric Uganda in ensuring that Child Protection is mainstreamed at all levels project implementation.